Wednesday, July 9, 2008


A sharing from my friend's blog:


faith. so easy to proclaim that you have it, but so very hard to put it in practice. it is only in times of need when the value of faith is tested. but when you feel so helpless, all you can cling to is faith. because there is nothing else that you can cling on to. faith and hope.

All Christians need faith to fight off the attacks of the enemy. Faith is our shield, one of the pieces of the armor of God listed that we need to put on daily to ward off the darts of the enemy.

Ephesians 6:16
In every battle you will need faith as your shield to stop the fiery arrows aimed at you by Satan.


And personally, like I had shared with the gals on Tuesday,
Faith is not just wanting something
And believing it will happen
It's when you don't even know where God is
and also still believing that He ll do something
Someday Somehow..
For me, that was my new experience of faith